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Re: [Newbie] A few questions on using a Pilot with Linux

On Wed, 15 Nov 2000, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

> a) coldsync -- I was unable to compile this on the 2.2.17pre18 kernel I used
> to get USB support. Did anybody else manage to use this with a Visor?

We've got two visors at my office here, and they mostly work
fine with the debian package of coldsync with the backported
USB patches on a 2.2.16 kernel.

> c) I'd be grateful for pointers to decent GPL ware. A few good things are on
> a page by Mitch Blevins, who lists his @debian.org address. Is he still
> around?

I haven't found much GPL'ed stuff, unfortunately.

         | Bradley Marshall    | http://www.uq.net.au/~zzbramar |
         | System/Network Admin|      brad@humbug.org.au        |
         | Plugged In Software |    bmarshal@plugged.net.au     |
 ``I'm not ashamed.  Its the computer age.  Nerds are in.'' - Willow (BtVS)

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