debian-perl Jan 2023 by thread
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Bug#1030021: ITP: libcatmandu-bibtex-perl -- Catmandu modules for working with BibTeX data mtj
Bug#1030022: ITP: libcatmandu-fedoracommons-perl -- low level Catmandu interface to the Fedora Commons REST API mtj
Bug#1030031: ITP: libcatmandu-filestore-perl -- Catmandu namespace for packages that can make files persistent mtj
Bug#1030033: ITP: libcatmandu-fix-cmd-perl -- Catmandu module that pipes data to be 'fixed' through an external process mtj
Bug#1030098: ITP: libcatmandu-i18n-perl -- modules for handling text localisation within the Catmandu framework mtj
Bug#1030099: ITP: libcatmandu-identifier-perl -- namespace for handling identifiers within the Catmandu framework mtj
Bug#1030100: ITP: libcatmandu-identifier-perl -- namespace for handling identifiers within the Catmandu framework mtj
Bug#1030102: ITP: libcatmandu-ldap-perl -- modules for working with LDAP directories within the Catmandu framework mtj
Bug#1030101: ITP: libcatmandu-inspire-perl -- modules for working with Inspire data within the Catmandu framework mtj
Bug#1030105: ITP: libcatmandu-lido-perl -- modules for handling LIDO data within the Catmandu framework mtj
Bug#1030106: ITP: libcatmandu-markdown-perl -- modules for handling markdown data within the Catmandu framework mtj
Bug#1030111: ITP: libcatmandu-mendeley-perl -- modules wrapping the Mendeley API within the Catmandu framework mtj
Bug#1030122: ITP: libcatmandu-mediawiki-perl -- Catmandu modules for interfacing with MediaWiki mtj
Bug#1030133: ITP: libcatmandu-plos-perl -- modules for working with PLoS data within the Catmandu framework mtj
Bug#1030135: ITP: libcatmandu-pubmed-perl -- modules for working with PubMed data within the Catmandu framework mtj
Bug#1030136: ITP: libcatmandu-pure-perl -- Catmandu modules for working with data from Pure mtj
Bug#1030147: ITP: libcatmandu-rdf-perl -- Modules for handling RDF data within the Catmandu framework mtj
The last update was on 16:40 GMT Tue Jan 31. There are 67 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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