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Re: Package for Gnome2::Vte ?


Gaëtan Frenoy:
> Ultimately, I believe it will be migrated out of GNOME2 ; this is the only way to
> give some future to the project.  But this will take time.

You most likely have something like 12-16 months to make it happen
before the Buster freeze. This looks like enough time, no? :)

> So (as an intermediate
> step while we are working on the migration) what are our options to deliver a fully
> functional package ?

One idea would be to upload libgnome2-vte-perl and the
reverse-dependency you're interesting in to Debian experimental (or to
sid with a RC bug that prevents them from migrating to testing).
Then your (presumably rather technical) users can set up APT pinning
and install the software from there, until it's ported to a more
modern stack and can migrate to testing (+ stretch-backports if you
wish :)

I personally am not thrilled at this idea, but I could live with it:
Buster is not impacted so it doesn't block my efforts [0].

Now, I'll let you balance the pros & cons between doing that and
uploading to a third-party APT repository (e.g. PPA).

[0] https://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/bts-usertags.cgi?tag=gnome2-removal&user=pkg-perl-maintainers%40lists.alioth.debian.org


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