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Re: Including dh-make-perl as part of the group's packages?

Joachim Breitner dijo [Tue, Oct 24, 2006 at 07:48:55PM +0000]:
> We have to note that dh-make-perl maintenance is fundamentally different
> than lib-*-perl maintenance: Maintaining Perl Modules usually involves
> no development, little ???difficult??? work and mostly routine work.
> Maintaining dh-make-perl is a different thing: Here actually develpement
> is required, which means more work and more responsibility. Can the
> Group do that?
> OTOH, the Group is probably the most frequent user of the tool, and
> (after svn-buildpackage) it might be our most important tool. From that
> aspect, both could profit very much from it. Didn???t like something
> dh-make-perl just did? Just fix it yourself, and upload a new version
> along the module.
> We should definitely have a few who say that they will feel at least a
> bit responsible for dh-make-perl, so that it does not end up as a corpse
> in the SVN.

Well, it won't be in a worse shape than right now, you can rest
assured. I'm feeling personally responsable for its state, and I
intend to work on it - as soon as I can. Which, sadly, does not mean
as often as it should :-/

I will be mostly tied up with my RL job until February, when Etch is
(hopefully) out. There are some seemingly quite simple bugs and
features ready to be squished in it, but I prefer to take a good look
before doing that - And I love to have Etch's dh-make-perl in a better
shape than what it is today. Hence the offer/request.


Gunnar Wolf - gwolf@gwolf.org - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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