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Re: Orphaning my packages

On Wed, 13 Sep 2006 12:32:37 -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:

> Perl group: Since I was promoted by Joachim to a group admin, I have
> added quite a few people, just answering to their comments that "they
> want to join". Up to now, this has proved a good idea - Now, we are 39
> members (plus the 3 admins? Or including? Don't know). Do you have any
> comments on this? 

I appreciate your quick and uncomplicated approvals.

> I think we can still work on a basically open
> membership basis, even if the active members are just a handful of
> them. Do you agree?

> BTW, yes, I still have not tackled the SVN reorganization... No time
> yet :-/ but I'm not forgetting about it.

Could you include
* libapache-request-perl (only old version in repo)
* libcgi-safe-perl (example package)
* libmail-audit-perl (relic)
in the re-organization and move them to some archive/attic/whatever
directory (cf. the discussion in early August) or should I do that

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