Here's a weekly update on my work done so far :)
An update about my work *till today*:
=> Kotlin Work!
So Near So Far!
As per the plan, the kotlin package is ready for the upload, but the blocker from last week persists. (Hope to get a workaround to it soon enough :/)
Last week went in checking if we can use an older version of kotlin and then come up to 1.3.30 (as there many cyclic dependencies).
Checked for 1.2.3, 1.2.7, and 1.3.0.
It was found that version 1.2.30 is the last one to use ant as a build system. But the rest of the inbuilt libraries were using kotlin-DSL, hence there was no point in downgrading and do the conversions again.
Therefore we are back to 1.3.30 with old blockers. Though, the mini-blockers for kotlinx-metadata-JVM resolved.
Thanks to (@ebourg) for helping with the kotlin work & testing.
All the issues for the kotlin can are at https://salsa.debian.org/android-tools-team/admin/-/issues/18
>> While testing, I found the bootstrap we are using is 1.3.30-eap-28 which is early preview access. Hence, I raised a request upstream if bootstrap for 1.3.30 exists or not. [1]
=> Blockers?
The kotlin source package consists of kotlin-Gradle-plugin and kotlin-sam-with-receiver binaries which aren't getting generated from the source.
The culprit for why those binaries weren't generated got caught, but since the compiler-embeddable is kotlin specific, the most crucial thing is to find a way to pass groovy closures to kotlin functions. Another workaround is to rewrite the whole files in groovy (Not sure how functional this use case will be).
~> I have pinged m36 with the errors, I hope he might have something interesting to tell :)
=> Apart from kotlin:
Fixed RC Bug (#959904) [2] and updated android-platform-system-tools-hidl to the latest upstream version ( 10.0.0+r39). Merge request for the same is under review. [3]
=> Other work apart from the Project:
> Presentation at College :)
> Attended the weekly meeting at IRC.
Thanks and regards,
Samyak Jain
[1] https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-39441
[2] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=959904
[3] https://salsa.debian.org/android-tools-team/android-platform-system-tools-hidl/-/merge_requests/4