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Re: libreoffice-java-common: POM meta data for maven builds


On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 09:52:08AM +0200, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> > First of all, generate your three poms and place those somewhere in the source.
> > Run mh_lspoms and answer the questions. It'll generate a *.poms-file. Rename

Didn't work, but doesn't matter...

> > like (with a differing path):
> > debian/pom.xml --no-parent --has-package-version
> > 
> > So e.g. pom.juh.xml etc.

... as that helped to figure it out.

> But I'll try...

I figured it out (see
for the complete patch), but I had some lengthy discussion in #debian-java yesterday
and am not sure whether I should really add it...

Transcript follows:

22:00 < _rene_> maven-knowdledged people around now?
22:01 -!- gnu_andrew [~user@00012554.user.oftc.net] has joined #debian-java
22:05 -!- calixte [~calixte@ggp22-1-88-164-202-159.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Quit: Quitte]
22:13 < ebourg> _rene_: what's your issue?
22:13 < _rene_> what is groupId?
22:13  * _rene_ got a request to add maven stuff for LOs public hars
22:13 < _rene_> the ones I got pointed to have
22:14 < _rene_>         <groupId>org.libreoffice</groupId>
22:14 < _rene_> but shouldn't that be the same everywhere?
22:14 < _rene_> (ok, maybe I am the only one actually doing it, but...)
22:15 < _rene_> s/hars/jars/
22:15 < ebourg> The jars are published in Maven central or you created the pom from scratch?
22:16 < _rene_> http://bertfrees.github.io/snapshots/org/libreoffice
22:16 < _rene_> I took those as a base (got pointed to them in the initial mail)
22:17 < ebourg> All of these artifacts have the same groupId
22:17 < _rene_> hmm, that said, repo1.maven.org *has* unoil-2.4.1.pom (OOo 2.4.1...)
22:17 < _rene_> ebourg: yeah, but shouldn't it be unique globally?
22:18 < _rene_> ebourg: or just maven-internally and it's not accessed over that id?
22:18 < ebourg> the groupId + artifactId must be unique
22:18 < _rene_> ah, I see, the 2.4.1 thingy there has org.openoffice, it probably just was s/open/libre/ done by that person
22:18 < _rene_> hmm
22:19 < _rene_> http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/openoffice/uno. ok from old OOo times the stuff is in maven...
22:20 -!- gio [~gio@] has joined #debian-java
22:20 < ebourg> the newer openoffice 4 jars aren't in Maven central, do they still exist?
22:21 < _rene_> yep. same name, same purpose (on both AOO and LO)
22:22 < ebourg> bleh that sucks
22:23 < ebourg> is there a public repository besides the snapshot repository you pointed that contains the libreoffice jars?
22:23 < _rene_> nah, probably noone cared anymore after OOo died :)
22:23 < _rene_> I don't know, but don't believe so :)
22:24 < ebourg> if not there isn't much point adding the poms in the debian packages
22:24 < _rene_> how does stuff using maven access it? by name? or does it need the group id?
22:24 < _rene_> the the former case it doesn't matter..
22:24 < _rene_> ebourg: I thought so, too, but...
22:25 -!- Irssi: Pasting 5 lines to #debian-java. Press Ctrl-K if you wish to do this or Ctrl-C to cancel.
22:25 < _rene_> "I am packaging a Libreoffice extension using maven as the build utility. For
22:25 < _rene_> maven, every jar file has to be registered in the Debian-specificc maven
22:25 < _rene_> repository, located at /usr/share/maven-repo. I would ask for integration of
22:25 < _rene_> POM-files (the maven meta information) to allow Libreoffice plugin's to be build
22:25 < _rene_> with maven.
22:25 < _rene_> "
22:25 < ebourg> If it's not public other upstream projects are unlikely to use them
22:25 < _rene_> no idea what that extension is and what it expects, though...
22:25 < ebourg> hum
22:25 < _rene_> but the same person pointed me to the above poms in the same mail...
22:26 < ebourg> did he mention the libreoffice extension he is trying to package?
22:26 < _rene_> ebourg: http://lists.debian.org/debian-openoffice/2013/08/msg00046.html ff.
22:28 < ebourg> Maven accesses the artifacts by groupId+artifactId+version+type
22:28 < ebourg> In Debian we have pom and jar artifacts
22:29 < ebourg> And only one version per groupId+artifactId
22:29 < ebourg> (but there are some notable exceptions like junit 3 and 4)
22:31 < ebourg> _rene_: the poms come from upstream or from a 3rd party?
22:31 < _rene_> third party (as probably also in OOo times, none were in OOos code at least afaicr)
22:32 < _rene_> either by Sun in OOo times or by whoever
22:32 < _rene_> but not in OOos code itself
22:33 -!- pretec [~pretecc@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
22:34 < ebourg> If it's neither in Maven Central, nor distributed by upstream I'd be reluctant to add it to the package
22:34 < ebourg> the extension should adapt it's build system to pull the jar from another source
22:34 < _rene_> and what if I took the old OOo ones and kept org.openoffice? ;)
22:35 < ebourg> There is a trick to do that: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1355548/maven-including-jar-not-found-in-public-repository
22:36 < ebourg> Don't mess with the Maven coordinates :)
22:36 < _rene_> hrm, ok. carn of worms. :) /me will probably just ask Sebastian then :)
22:37 < ebourg> Tell this guy to patch its pom to fetch the jar from /usr/share/java
22:37 < _rene_> .oO ( or /usr/share/libreoffice/classes )
22:37 < _rene_> ok, will do
22:37 < _rene_> thanks :)
22:38 < ebourg> yes, or any other location containing the jars of course :)
22:38 < ebourg> I would also file a bug upstream asking to publish the artifacts to Maven central
22:40 < _rene_> I don't think they (neither do I, honestly) about maven :)
22:40 < _rene_> s/about/care about/
22:42 < _rene_> ahh.
22:42 < _rene_> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=62353
22:45 < _rene_> .oO ( I should have googled for libreoffice maven earlier... )


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