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Re: Accept UNO connections from bibus by default?


Jan Beyer wrote:
> enable this, users need to go through a couple of tedious steps:
> * configure OOo to allow untrusted macro execution
> * open some specific file
> (/usr/share/bibus/Setup/UnoConnectionListener.odg), accept the warning, that
> it contains macros
> * run the contained macro to tell OOo to accept UNO connections.

That indeed sucks. I wonder, though, what 

> in OOo (via Trusted File Locations). The other one would be getting upstream
> to digitally sign the macro (or do it myself?) and get this signature
> pre-accepted in (Debian's) OOo (via Trusted Certificates). Is there any more

Sounds both doable. I think the first one has the weakness that
everything put ito the path is  then trusted, no? If someone sees this
and knows where bibus is.. ;-)

Hmm, that said, google just gave me http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Security_Enhancements#Macro_location.2C_trusted_sources...

> way (sorry, I'm no expert on OOo macros...)? Maybe this UNO connection stuff

Not that I know, but that doesn't necessarily say much. (I am no
OOo macro expert either)

> could be enabled "behind the scenes" automagically during bibus install?
> That would be the optimum solution.

Hm. Given the steps above I don't think it's possible except when you write
a script or or in python (python-uno) to do the stuff. Too much overhead imho.

> I would like to ask you, what is your opinion on this. Would such thing be
> possible at all?

I think yes, I will look how to make this best - if you want file a
wishlist bug :-).

Did you ask upstream already what they would recommend?
(either bibus or OpenOffice.org itself)


 .''`.  René Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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