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Re: Accept UNO connections from bibus by default?

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Hi all,

I've looked around a bit and tried to more or less copy'n'paste together
some python-script, which would enable a UNO connection to OOo by using the
same techniques/interface, that the current OOo Basic macro uses. As it's
fairly small, I took the freedom to attach it directly to this mail. It
seems to work here, but I'm far away from a thorough understanding of what
I'm actually doing, so I would like to ask for some feedback. ;-)

I've also CCed bibus' upstream author Pierre - please comment on it, too, if
you like. It's of course, not nice+polished and so. It's just a skeleton...
But in case, it looks like the right way to do things, I could try to add
the flesh to the bones (some GUI for user interaction, bibus-integration,
maybe even error checking?!?). Of course, every kind of help for this is
most welcome!

Many thanks for your help+feedback so far!

Best Regards,

- --
Jan Beyer				happy Debian Maintainer	;-)	

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import uno
from com.sun.star.beans import PropertyValue

ctx = uno.getComponentContext()
configProvider = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstance("com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationProvider")

prop = PropertyValue()
prop.Name = "nodepath"
prop.Value = "org.openoffice.Setup/Office"

nolazywrite = PropertyValue()
nolazywrite.Name = "lazywrite"
nolazywrite.Value = uno.Bool(0)

updateAccess = configProvider.createInstanceWithArguments ("com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationUpdateAccess",(prop,nolazywrite) )

if updateAccess.ooSetupConnectionURL != "":
	print "Currently the UNO Connection URL looks like: ",updateAccess.ooSetupConnectionURL
	print "Currently no UNO Connection URL defined."

# Ask, whether to enable or disable UNO Connection?
# enableUNOconn = 

# Ask for the pipe name?
pipename = "testpipename"

if enableUNOconn:
	updateAccess.ooSetupConnectionURL =  "pipe,name="+pipename+";urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager"
	print "Now I've set up a pipe like ",updateAccess.ooSetupConnectionURL
	updateAccess.ooSetupConnectionURL =  ""
	print "Now I've deactivated UNO connections to OOo."

Attachment: openUNOconnection.py.sig
Description: Binary data

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