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Re: Building using the new source package layout [ was Re: Debian / Gnome OO.o ]

Hi .. 

On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 03:15:42AM +0200, Jérôme Warnier wrote:
>> I have dropped the use of dbs from our packages and restructured the
>> .orig.tar.gz tarball so that it is the same layout as upstream, instead of
>> the tarball-within-a-tarball that we had before.  The debian directory stays
>> as before, except that debian/patches is no longer used.  The Ximian
>> ooo-build tree is placed at the same level as the debian directory.
>> This is how to get the new layout from CVS:
>> download the tarball and unpack it:
>>   http://people.debian.org/~halls/openoffice/1.1rc3/openoffice.org_1.0.99+1.1rc3.orig.tar.gz
>>     (this tarball is zipped using gzip --rsyncable, so you can use rsync to
>>     reduce the download time for future tarballs :)
>That's a really good idea, the rsync part. OOo is really huge.
>Could you detail how to do it exactly?
>> check out oo-deb/debian from our CVS as usual.  You need the latest HEAD
>> revision.  Have a look at debian/changelog:  I documented most of the
>> changes in there already, although I haven't included all the new patches
>> from Ximian yet.
>> Then, you need the Ximian CVS tree.  I scripted a build rule to make it
>> easier:
>>   cd openoffice.org-1.0.99+1.1rc3
>>   debian/rules get-ooo-build
>I already have a problem (I solved it on my side without trouble, but I
>think I should let you know too): the cvs version on Woody doesn't
>recognize the "-z #" option.

My problem is, that dpkg-source finished with an "unrepresentable change
on the source" error. I think, that comes from the ximian part.... 

Anyone seen this? Any hints to fix it?


  .''`.    Jan-Hendrik Palic     |
 : :' : ** Debian GNU/ Linux **  |   ** OpenOffice.org **       ,.. ,..
 `. `'   http://www.debian.org   | http://www.openoffice.org  ,: ..`   `
   `-  jan.palic@linux-debian.de |                           '  `  `

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