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Re: efuns ?

On Fri, Jan 18, 2002 at 01:03:33PM -0500, Maxence Guesdon wrote:
> About compiling efuns, i know that it needs the cdk.

Well, the cdk is just a bunch of ocaml stuff put together with some patches
applied for the confort of those that have to depend on systems without proper
packaging support.

But i suppose it would be possible to identify more exactly what kind of stuff
is needed to compile efuns, i think to remember one of the things that was
needed was the exportation of one of the files from the ocaml source.

I am ready to provide it in the ocaml package, or even in an ocaml_for_efuns
package or something such, but i need to know what file exactly is needed.

> About people using efuns, i think if it was simple to install there would be more people using it.

Sure, and a debian package would be a big step in the right direction ...

> If you use emacs just for file edition, then efuns is enough, and it can be parametrized in ocaml !
> But it lacks a good doc :-(

As many packages ...

> Fabrice (Le fessant ,the author) doesn't have the time for this right now. While discussing with him, we agreed that at least a binary distribution would be good. I'm quite busy too these days but may be in february i could compile and make a binary distrib (for intel, statically linked).

Mmm, a binary distribution is the same as not having anything, at least were
debian is concerned, but then, isn't fabrice one of the guys behind the cdk ?
I remember being fully ignored by those guys when i mailed them the first time
they spoke of the cdk. I guess they thiunk there is notyhing in common between
the debian packaging effort and the cdk effort, which have a different goal


Sven Luther

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