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Re: next ocaml and location of .so lib

On Tue, Sep 11, 2001 at 02:03:42PM +0200, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 11, 2001 at 01:30:01PM +0200, Sven wrote:
> > There is no reason not to put the .so in the same place as the rest of the
> > libraries, i think, a better approach would be to make sure such .so files can
> > easily be used, instead of putting all of them under the same subdir, but
> > then, maybe this is not how findlib sees it, or is there another reason for
> > having started this topic ?
> yes, I raised the topic cause Gerd asked me if we have any plan on where
> to put .so files and I thinked is a good thing kepp all .so in a
> "special" dir.
> My aim is to keep the user away to know the dir where this files
> resides (i.e. avoiding "#whatever dir/file"), this is sure possible
> using findlib but I'm not sure if this is possible in the toplevel.
> But, from what you say, the module installation may add his directory to
> a 'path' that ocaml read when searching shared objects. This is another
> solution, that make me happier than the .so special dir solution.

Well, the only problem is that ocaml will _not_ search into the subdirs by
default, you have to add it yourself. The +subdir syntax was a greet plus,
before you add to give the absolute path to the subdir, which was a real pain.
Now you can simply do :

ocaml -I +labltk ...

and everything will work.

Now, in the toplevel case, it is quite easy to use a relative subdir path, and
that is what the user wil need to do.


Sven Luther

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