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Debian Project News - June 11th, 2012

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The Debian Project                                http://www.debian.org/
Debian Project News                    debian-publicity@lists.debian.org
June 11th, 2012               http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/2012/12/
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Welcome to this year's twelfth issue of DPN, the newsletter for the
Debian community. Topics covered in this issue include:

  * Debian archive rebuilds on Amazon Web Services
  * Debian welcomes diversity
  * armhf and s390x on their way to Wheezy
  * DebConf13 logo contest
  * First bug squashing party in Shanghai
  * Bits from the Ruby Team
  * Interviews
  * Upcoming events
  * New Debian Contributors
  * Release-Critical bugs statistics for the upcoming release
  * Important Debian Security Advisories
  * New and noteworthy packages
  * Work-needing packages
  * Want to continue reading DPN?

Debian archive rebuilds on Amazon Web Services
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Lucas Nussbaum has been doing some full archive rebuilds on Amazon Web
Services (AWS) [1]. "Archive rebuilds play an important role in Debian
Quality Assurance and Release Management efforts", according to Lucas,
who has been running Debian archive rebuilds on the Gridâ??5000
testbed [2] since 2007, and has filed over 6000 release-critical bugs in
the process. Lucas managed to get Amazon to award Debian $10,000 [3] in
order to run about 60 full archive rebuilds on their infrastructure,
allowing developers interested in custom tests to do them themselves.

    1 : http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/blog/?p=718
    2 : https://www.grid5000.fr/mediawiki/index.php/Grid5000:Home
    3 : https://lists.debian.org/debian-qa/2011/10/msg00056.html

Debian welcomes diversity
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A diversity statement [4] for the Debian project has been approved by a
large majority of the project members [5]. The statement explicitly
welcomes and encourages participation by everyone. "This statement marks
a new stage in the process of welcoming contributors to our project",
said Stefano Zacchiroli, Debian Project Leader. "Community diversity
goes hand in hand with community richness."

    4 : http://www.debian.org/intro/diversity
    5 : http://www.debian.org/vote/2012/vote_002

armhf and s390x on their way to Wheezy
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Adam D. Barratt, Release Team manager, announced that the armhf and
s390x [6] ports are now one step closer to being part of Wheezy: they
are now officially being considered as release architectures. Adam
thanks everyone involved in getting both architectures to this point.

    6 : https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2012/06/msg00003.html

DebConf13 logo contest
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Luca Capello announced that the DebConf13 organisers are seeking logo
designs for next year's DebConf [7]. Some ideas are already present on
the DebConf wiki [8], but they would like to expand these a bit more in
line with their vision [9]. There are only a few days left if you would
like to participate: the deadline for DebConf13 logo submissions is
Sunday 17 June.

    7 : https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2012/06/msg00004.html
    8 : http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/logoIdeas
    9 : http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Vision

First bug squashing party in Shanghai
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Thomas Goirand published a report from the first bug squashing party in
Shanghai [10]. About twenty people participated, including three Debian
members, and twenty-five bugs were fixed.

   10 : https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2012/05/msg00038.html

Bits from the Ruby Team
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Antonio Terceiro posted some bits from the Ruby Team [11] in which he
announced that the default Ruby interpreter for Wheezy would be Ruby
1.9. Ruby 1.8 will be available in Debian during the Wheezy life cycle,
but since security support from upstream will end in the next year [12],
it will not be shipped in subsequent major releases. With this switch,
Debian users will benefit from the improvements, especially in
performance, that Ruby 1.9 brings over Ruby 1.8. People who still want
to use Ruby 1.8 as the default interpreter may find the ruby-switch [13]
or rbenv [14] packages useful. More information is available on the
dedicated wiki page [15].

   11 : http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2012/06/msg00001.html
   12 : http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2011/10/06/plans-for-1-8-7/
   13 : http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/ruby-switch
   14 : http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/rbenv
   15 : http://wiki.debian.org/Ruby

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There have been "Debian Edu interviews" with Ralf Gesellensetter [16]
and Mike Gabriel [17], who both describe, among other things, how they
got involved in Debian Edu and their views about it.

   16 : http://people.skolelinux.org/pere/blog/Debian_Edu_interview__Ralf_Gesellensetter.html
   17 : http://people.skolelinux.org/pere/blog/Debian_Edu_interview__Mike_Gabriel.html

Upcoming events
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There are several upcoming Debian-related events:

  * June 15-17, Salzburg, Austria â?? Debian Bug Squashing Party [18]
  * June 19-21, Paris, France â?? Solutions Linux [19]

   18 : http://www.debian.org/events/2012/0615-salzburg-bsp
   19 : http://www.debian.org/events/2012/0619-solutionslinux.en.html

You can find more information about Debian-related events and talks on
the events section [20] of the Debian web site, or subscribe to one of
our events mailing lists for different regions: Europe [21],
Netherlands [22], Hispanic America [23], North America [24].

   20 : http://www.debian.org/events
   21 : http://lists.debian.org/debian-events-eu
   22 : http://lists.debian.org/debian-events-nl
   23 : http://lists.debian.org/debian-events-ha
   24 : http://lists.debian.org/debian-events-na

Do you want to organise a Debian booth or a Debian install party? Are
you aware of other upcoming Debian-related events? Have you delivered a
Debian talk that you want to link on our talks page [25]? Send an email
to the Debian Events Team [26].

   25 : http://www.debian.org/events/talks
   26 : events@debian.org

New Debian Contributors
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Two applicants have been accepted [27] as Debian Maintainers, and eleven
people have started maintaining packages [28] since the previous issue
of the Debian Project News. Please welcome Tobias Stefan Richter,
Fabrizio Regalli, cento, Nikolaus Valentin Hänel, Simon Busch, René
Moser, Christoph Gille, Ask Hjorth Larsen, David Weber, William Dauchy,
Chris Frey, Benjamin Eltzner, and Giulio Paci into our project!

   27 : https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2012/06/msg00001.html
   28 : http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/new-maintainers.cgi

Release-Critical bugs statistics for the upcoming release
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According to the Bugs Search interface of the Ultimate Debian
Database [29], the upcoming release, Debian "Wheezy", is currently
affected by 734 Release-Critical bugs. Ignoring bugs which are easily
solved or on the way to being solved, roughly speaking, about 495
Release-Critical bugs remain to be solved for the release to happen.

   29 : http://udd.debian.org/bugs.cgi

There are also more detailed statistics [30] as well as some hints on
how to interpret [31] these numbers.

   30 : http://www.schmehl.info/Debian/rc-stats/7.0-wheezy/2012-23
   31 : http://wiki.debian.org/ProjectNews/RC-Stats

Important Debian Security Advisories
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Debian's Security Team recently released advisories for these packages
(among others): arpwatch [32], libgdata [33], strongswan [34], nut [35],
imp4 [36], bind9 [37], request-tracker3.8 [38] (updated announcement),
openoffice.org [39], iceweasel [40], iceape [41], nss [42],
postgresql-8.4 [43], and php5 [44]. Please read them carefully and take
the proper measures.

   32 : http://www.debian.org/security/2012/dsa-2481
   33 : http://www.debian.org/security/2012/dsa-2482
   34 : http://www.debian.org/security/2012/dsa-2483
   35 : http://www.debian.org/security/2012/dsa-2484
   36 : http://www.debian.org/security/2012/dsa-2485
   37 : http://www.debian.org/security/2012/dsa-2486
   38 : http://www.debian.org/security/2012/dsa-2480
   39 : http://www.debian.org/security/2012/dsa-2487
   40 : http://www.debian.org/security/2012/dsa-2488
   41 : http://www.debian.org/security/2012/dsa-2489
   42 : http://www.debian.org/security/2012/dsa-2490
   43 : http://www.debian.org/security/2012/dsa-2491
   44 : http://www.debian.org/security/2012/dsa-2492

Debian's Backports Team released advisories for these packages: request-
tracker4 [45] and nginx [46]. Please read them carefully and take the
proper measures.

   45 : https://lists.debian.org/debian-backports-announce/2012/05/msg00000.html
   46 : https://lists.debian.org/debian-backports-announce/2012/05/msg00001.html

Please note that these are a selection of the more important security
advisories of the last weeks. If you need to be kept up to date about
security advisories released by the Debian Security Team, please
subscribe to the security mailing list [47] (and the separate backports
list [48], and stable updates list [49]) for announcements.

   47 : http://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/
   48 : http://lists.debian.org/debian-backports-announce/
   49 : http://lists.debian.org/debian-stable-announce/

New and noteworthy packages
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484 packages were added to the unstable Debian archive recently. Among
many others [50] are:

  * calligra â?? extensive productivity and creative suite [51]
  * flactag â?? tagger for whole-album FLAC files using data from MusicBrainz [52]
  * logisim â?? graphical tool for designing and simulating logic circuits [53]
  * luminance-hdr â?? graphical user interface providing a workflow for HDR imaging [54]
  * mat â?? metadata anonymisation toolkit [55]
  * owncloud â?? cloud storage for files, music, contacts, calendars and many more [56]
  * portabase â?? easy-to-use personal database application [57]
  * qpdfview â?? tabbed PDF viewer [58]
  * shatag â?? tool to store file checksums in extended attributes, and work with them [59]
  * shotdetect â?? scene change detector [60]
  * sogo â?? scalable groupware server [61]
  * tardiff â?? tarball comparison tool [62]
  * whatweb â?? next generation web scanner [63]

   50 : http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/newpkg
   51 : http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/calligra
   52 : http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/flactag
   53 : http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/logisim
   54 : http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/luminance-hdr
   55 : http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/mat
   56 : http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/owncloud
   57 : http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/portabase
   58 : http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/qpdfview
   59 : http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/shatag
   60 : http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/shotdetect
   61 : http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/sogo
   62 : http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/tardiff
   63 : http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/whatweb

Work-needing packages
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Currently [64] 455 packages are orphaned [65] and 150 packages are up
for adoption [66]: please visit the complete list of packages which need
your help [67].

   64 : http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2012/06/msg00273.html
   65 : http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/orphaned
   66 : http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/rfa
   67 : http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/help_requested

Want to continue reading DPN?
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Please help us create this newsletter. We still need more volunteer
writers to watch the Debian community and report about what is going on.
Please see the contributing page [68] to find out how to help. We're
looking forward to receiving your mail at

   68 : http://wiki.debian.org/ProjectNews/HowToContribute

This issue of Debian Project News was edited by Moray Allan, Cédric
Boutillier, David Prévot and Justin B Rye.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


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