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DM application of Fabian Greffrath

Hi there,

this is my declaration of intent to become a Debian Maintainer

[Dear CC'ed DDs: I have worked together with you in the recent past, we
have exchanged some mails and you sponsored my packages. I hope you
believe that I would be a good Debian Maintainer and would highly
appreciate if you could support my application by posting a statement to

I have read the Social Contract, the Debian Free Software Guidelines and
the Debian Machine Usage Policy and agree with all of them.

Currently, I (co-)maintain the following packages:

* In the pkg-games team:
  - doomsday
  - eureka
  - freedoom
  - invaders
  - jumpnbump
  - jumpnbump-levels
  - prboom-plus
  - zsnes
  - chocolate-doom (contrib)
  - rott (contrib)
  - wolf4sdl (contrib)
  - yquake2 (contrib)

* In the pkg-fonts team:
  - fonts-cantarell
  - fonts-croscore
  - fonts-crosextra-caladea
  - fonts-crosextra-carlito
  - fonts-freefont
  - fonts-liberation
  - fonts-tuffy

* In the pkg-multimedia team:
  - faad2
  - flac
  - handbrake
  - lame
  - libav
  - mjpegtools
  - x264
  - xvidcore
  - faac (non-free)

Additionally, I maintain the unace-nonfree package and regularly help
out packaging transmageddon in the pkg-gstreamer team or some other
packages in the pkg-games team, e.g. funguloids.

My GnuPG key 0CCD59DF is signed by the Debian Developers Ansgar
Burchardt <ansgar> and Philipp Huebner <debalance>.

I am looking forward to becoming a Debian Maintainer.

Thanks for your attention.



Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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