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Re: Suggestion: Time limit for NM process

On Sun, April 2, 2006 21:21, Don Armstrong wrote:
>> I've tried to make everything as quick as possible, I've done all
>> that I need to do. But I now need to wait for an undefined period, at
>> least half a year, for no good reason.
> You've only been in the FD review process for a month and ten days
> now; that queue is only ~10 people long, and the DAM queue is ~15. The
> reason is that your application has to be reviewed carefully by the FD and
> the DAM, and any holes in your application that the AM missed filed in.

The time I've already spent isn't that important to me: it's the outlook
that it's going to take an unknown time, and from current people being
approved I can deduce that it will take at least half a year.

> Frankly, waiting a few months in the DAM phase isn't really a big
> deal, as it allows time for the DAMs who are busy with other important
> things time to resolve your application. Your AM and normal sponsors are
> available to sponsor uploads to the archive anyway.[1]

Please tell me how I could have voted in the two recent votes.

I've been sponsored for over 1.5 years now. Time to move on, I would have

If this project has the position that it "isn't a big deal" that one has
to wait half a year *after passing all steps*, I'm really reconsidering my

People getting fast tracked because it's their birthday (??) doesn't
really help to make me feel more welcome too...


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