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Re: Debian Multimedia (Unofficial) Promotion

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On 03/17/2012 01:34 AM, Christian Marillat wrote:
> "Chris S." <cs.swenson@gmail.com> writes:
>> As a new Debian user, I believe I read the following document about
>> multimedia codes:
>> http://wiki.debian.org/MultimediaCodecs
>> However, as noted on the following two pages, Debian does not appear to
>> approve of www.debian-multimedia.org:
>> http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMultimedia/FAQ#Common_issues
>> http://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?t=70719&f=13
>> So why would the first page about codecs instruct users to add the
>> www.debian-multimedia.org repository? Shouldn't this be avoided?
>> Shouldn't Debian communicate the contrary on all pages?
> Instead of saying that, the best would be to report this sort of problem
> to me or in that list.
> http://www.debian-multimedia.org/lurker/list/dmo-discussion.en.html
> FYI, like 15000 users (who uses my repository daily), I don't see any
> problem between these packages and Debian ones.
> Also isn't really nice for a newbie to ask that. Maybe you don't
> understand how Debian packaging works.
> Christian


I have literally spent weeks trying to figure out why I couldn't install
VLC and other packages, and it boiled down to packages from
debian-multimedia.org conflicting with gnome and many other packages.
Given that this environment is labeled "stable", I think this behavior
is contradictory to the spirit of stability (especially for poor newbies
like me).

Further, there is little documentation out there pointing to the
debian-multimedia.org repository as the source of the problem. I was
near the point of re-installing Debian from scratch to solve this
problem, since debian-multimedia.org created conflicts with so many

So I firmly believe that debian-multimedia.org is not stable, and it
would help the Debian community to tell new users not to use it in order
to avoid frustrating them to the point of leaving the OS. (Those who are
using it must be using SID or Ubuntu. Otherwise, they don't yet know
about all the conflicts they have.) I would think we have an interest in
maintaining the user base.

- -- Chris

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