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Re: Adapting Debian to Music Making

On Fri, 2003-08-01 at 08:30, Eduardo Marcel Macan wrote:
> Hello friends, I was invited by the Brazilian government to propose
> a design for a Music Studio using free software, being a debian
> developer and also a musicist wannabe I thought it would be a good
> push for myself towards doing something that debian could really
> benefit from.
> Is this a good forum to reach the other developers dealing with
> multimedia related software in debian? I see this is a very low
> volume list nowadays. 
> We could benefit a lot from more communication between the devels
> dealing with multimedia related packages, specially by somehow 
> heightening the integration between the applications we maintain,
> whenever we find an oportunity to do so.
> I'm sorry if I am missing something which is already happening in this
> area, since my motivation is really recent. If that's the case
> I'd like very much to join it. If it's not happening yet, I'd love
> to create it.


But it doesn't look to be verey active.

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