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Adapting Debian to Music Making

Hello friends, I was invited by the Brazilian government to propose
a design for a Music Studio using free software, being a debian
developer and also a musicist wannabe I thought it would be a good
push for myself towards doing something that debian could really
benefit from.

Is this a good forum to reach the other developers dealing with
multimedia related software in debian? I see this is a very low
volume list nowadays. 

We could benefit a lot from more communication between the devels
dealing with multimedia related packages, specially by somehow 
heightening the integration between the applications we maintain,
whenever we find an oportunity to do so.

I'm sorry if I am missing something which is already happening in this
area, since my motivation is really recent. If that's the case
I'd like very much to join it. If it's not happening yet, I'd love
to create it.


"If you have an apple and I have  an apple and we  exchange apples then
you and I will still each have  one apple. But  if you have an idea and I
have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two
ideas." -- George Bernard Shaw                  macan at debian dot org

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