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Re: debian mirror ftp.cica.es *added back*

Simon Paillard wrote:
debian-non-US is still on your mirror. Please notice us when you'll drop it.


I added ftp.cica.es to the list of mirrors.

Thanks you.

If you need another primary mirror for Spain, we are here :-)

Thanks for the proposal.

According to http://www.debian.org/mirrors/official the only missing
item for your mirror is the push-mode mirroring instead of pull-mode.

You may contact a push-primary (or secondary) mirror like ftp.de.d.o or
even ftp.es.d.o in order to setup push mirroring (by the way, isn't
connectivity from spain to ftp.es.d.o better than the one to
ftp.de.d.o ?)

I will do it shortly.

Well, ftp.de.debian.org is in the academic network, as us, and we have a very good international link. ftp.es.debian.org is in the commercial network and often is faster to connect to a university outside Spain that to the spanish commercial network.

And, in addition, the German mirror is more complete that the spanish.

ftp.es.debian.org have only:

debian          Archivo de Debian / Debian archive (~185 GB)

and ftp.de.debian.org:

Module          | Content and size

debian          | debian main archive                               (200GB)
debian-all      | debian main archive                               (200GB)
debian-non-US   | debian-non-US archive                             (1.1GB)
debian-amd64    | debian-amd64 archive from amd64.debian.net         (33GB)
debian-volatile | debian-volatile archive from volatile.debian.net (1.4+GB)
debian-armeb    | debian-armeb archive                               (80GB)
debian-kfreebsd | debian-kfreebsd archive                            (36GB)
debian-secure-testing   | debian-secure-testing archive               (2GB)
debian-cd       | debian-cd archive                                 (150GB)
debian-archive  | debian-archive (old releases)                      (17GB)
debian-security | debian-security                                    (30GB)

and we are mirroring debian, debian-cd and debian-security.

José Manuel Sánchez Bretones
Aplicaciones de Red
Centro Informático Científico de Andalucía (CICA)
Avda. Reina Mercedes s/n - 41012 - Sevilla (Spain)
Tfno.: +34 955 056 600 / FAX: +34 955 056 650
Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa
Junta de Andalucía
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