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Re: Combining changelog entries with dpkg-genchanges

Ben Finney <ben+debian@benfinney.id.au> writes:

> I've never had a failure with simply specifying the ‘-v’ option with
> no argument. That has always (for me) been interpreted as “all
> versions in the changelog are new”.

Until today, that is :-(

Lenny just got dpkg 1.15.2, which includes a change made in the
behaviour of the ‘dpkg-genchanges -v’ option. It now refuses a blank
argument, only allowing a valid version number (which can be the value
‘0’ to include every entry greater than version 0).

 \        “All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more |
  `\    robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument |
_o__)                                     than others.” —Douglas Adams |
Ben Finney

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