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Re: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath documentation

> So please, please, please do fix (remove) the rpath in the package.

I would appreciate any tips on how to go about fixing this. My package
is courierpassd, currently only available in unstable. It depends on
courier-authlib which currently uses /usr/lib/courier-authlib. I can't
figure out how to get my binary to work correctly without the rpath. Is
there something that I can do to make it work, or should I file a bug in
courier-authlib requesting that they use /usr/lib?

Any detail that you are able to provide justifying this would be
helpful, especially to motivate any bugs that need to be filed to get
this fixed.


Rip Van Winkle
Said he'd rather
Snooze for years
Than shave
With lather

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