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Re: Mannaging non well-known port in inetd.conf/services

On Mon, Apr 28, 2003 at 01:17:28AM -0400, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
> > Of course there is. It's called "register your port with the maintainer of
> > the /etc/services file".
> ...who is Anthony Towns (ajt@debian.org) the maintainer of netbase.  But
> this is really only for "well-known ports" and I don't think either webmin
> or zabbix count.

Why can't we have packages register ports in /etc/services like they add
new users to /etc/passwd?

The problem is of course that the UIDs in /etc/passwd don't have to be
fix for a given package, but TCP ports have to. But then, you can add
more than one name per port.

It just looks much better if "netstat -a" shows names instead of

If there's more than one package for a port, the user could decide which
one he prefers more. (cf. /etc/alternatives/*)

Christoph Berg <cb@cs.uni-sb.de>, 0681/9657944
Universität des Saarlandes, Compiler Design Lab

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