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Re: a lib* file within a package

On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 04:49:41PM +0200, Thomas Viehmann wrote:
> Is it advisable for such .so's that are not intended to be linked
> against to go into /usr/lib, or is it preferable to have them in
> /usr/lib/package?

IMHO a loadable module that is used by a program with dl*() has nothing
to do with the dynamic linker, so /usr/lib/package seems the place, but
this one (a LD_PRELOAD lib) _is_ to be dynamically linked with binaries
by ld.so, so it seems /usr/lib is the place.

Furthermore, if it is not there, you won't be able to make it link
against setuid binaries at all (see ld.so(8)), which can be annoying.

Jeremie Koenig <sprite@sprite.fr.eu.org>

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