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Flogging a dead horse....

Nobody wants to do that.

Still, I am back on my "must join Debian" kick and I really intend
to join. It may take years, oh well. Instead of adopting a package
I have resurrected one:

http://www.gyrodynamic.net/debian/xdrum   [nat'ted .. slow]

I took this package, see xdrum_1.5.tar.gz and built it into a
portable GNU/Debian package by adding autotools support and then
Debianizing it. This is my little "demo" of my skills. I admit
that I don't fully understand all the minor details of building
Debian packages, but I am willing to learn and try.

I'd use my http://www.gyrodynamic.net/spacecommander_0.3.3-2.tgz
Space Commander program, but it is has languished for a very long
time. Poor old program. Nevertheless, if that is what it takes I
will ressurect it and hack in Text Elite or something.

Bedtime -- no more posts for me.

Later all,

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