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Re: help - deb-make/build

debmake doesn't make the build script it is include in the debmake
package.  Or was.  I forget exactly when but somewhere down the line build
and other scripts  were moved into their own package called devscripts.
(The current version of "Creating a package with debmake" mentions you
need devscripts btw.)  Installing this package will fix most of your
problems I should think.

I wonder if your problem with the #ifdef might be due to the change from
libc5 to libc6 in hamm?  libc6 changed some things drastically so what
where the right includes may now be the wrong ones.

Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar@braincells.com>

On Thu, 18 Jun 1998, Troy Hanson wrote:

> Hi!   I am working on a package called 'heyu' for X-10 control.  I am
> trying to follow The New-Maintainer's Debian Packaging Howto and Creating a
> Package using Debmake files, but they refer to things that aren't happening
> on my system. :(
> I had it built into a .deb file fine with deb-make under 1.3.  (It was
> fairly straightforward and easy, with only the destination directory
> changes to the makefile, then running the 'build' script).  I then
> registered to be a developer, and upgraded to hamm.  [not sure which event
> caused the problem I am having now].
> After upgrading to hamm, the deb-make script isn't creating the 'build'
> script.  When using dpkg-buildpackage in the source directory instead
> (after running deb-make), it makes everything, but it doesn't create the
> debian/tmp/usr/man* directories, so it dies when it tries to copy the man
> pages. [it does create the usr/bin directory and puts the binary into it]
> The other issue: With 1.3 the compile went fine.  After the upgrade, the
> #ifdef LINUX line in one of the source files seems to be ignored now
> (doesn't get the right includes, won't build).  What is the proper way to
> work around this?  (I read something about #ifdef DEBIAN, but that didn't
> seem to help, either).  I currently removed the #ifdef LINUX construct just
> to get it to build correctly (which is a tad sloppy, but it seems to work).
> Do the /usr/man* entries need to be included in 'files' in the debian
> directory, or am I doing something way wrong?  (or, is deb-make supposed to
> make the 'build' script anymore?)
> Thanks in advance!
> troy
> Troy Hanson
> troy@dakota.net
> http://www.dakota.net/~troy
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