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I am Enric, new to the project. I am a medical anthropologist with very limited coding experience. My current research involves designing and developing an open source decision making support system, specifically for those cases regarded as severe by the current main psychiatric understanding. I hold the hope such system could be adapted for other uses, but that's the scope of what I am working on, fortunately with funds to carry on the work for five more years.

My interest in Debian pure blends started ten years ago when I was fortunate to get involved in ArbyX, a Stanford Law School Codex' project on decision making in international arbitration courts. Unfortunately my involvement on that stalled for several reasons, but always kept in mind how important it is for people to have an access as easy as possible to free suits to do their job without worrying about very often unaffordable expenses, the burden of learning how to run the system at least as much as to install all packages and make them work without an issue, and so on.

The arbitration project had a higher scope than the decision making one, but basically it's the same idea with a medical twist. That involved power maps of the players involved, and so do medicine. Involved adding data, and medicine -specially research and the development of treatments for new communities- also requires that. My experience, as I have been taught, is that software alone is not enough. Hopefully we can package it all, and create a tool set ready for those that need it.

At the moment I really don't know how I can contribute other than maybe doing my best to help fire up other communities, help you spread the word about Debian Med, and help others join in the effort, on top of doing my very best to get to speed quickly on the Debian development part of it -as I mentioned to Andreas and the rest of the crew present on today's videocall (my apologies the connection was horrible and ran into other issues), I have next to zero idea on how to package and maintain-.

No idea how long it take, because I am a medicine fresher too and that will take a massive amount of time. But I will, because I feel it's essential. Really admire what you have achieved developing Debian, it's impressive. Thanks.


Enric Garcia Torrents
Doctoral Researcher (MD-PhD trainee)
Medical Anthropology Research Center
Universitat Rovira i Virgili


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