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Re: soname question

Op 03-09-2021 om 19:15 schreef Maarten L. Hekkelman:
Now what? Were my ideas correct and should I update the SONAME? If so do I have to request a Debian Developer to upload? Of do I have to submit this as a new software package? Or do I simply revert the SONAME and pray no one notices the binary difference. The last option is easiest, but of course not the best.

So I followed the advice and the new binary package for the library is named libzeep5.1. This is all accepted into unstable but now I run into regressions. libpdb-redo is linked against libzeep5 and an application built with libpdb-redo is linked against both libzeep5 and libzeep5.1...

Ehrm... now what? I guess I need to upload a new version of libpdb-redo so it will build with libzeep5.1 instead of libzeep5? Or is there anything else I need to do?

regards, -maarten

Maarten L. Hekkelman

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