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Re: [MoM] dwv

Ok, I had not checked sid! I updated the plugin so that it finds the header on the machine or downloads it, the same way Sébastien does in his orthanc-webviewer plugin. I removed the dependency on other Orthanc code. This is now published in version 0.3.1 (https://github.com/ivmartel/dwv-orthanc-plugin/releases/tag/v0.3.1).

I tried following the steps to update the code described in: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/update.en.html#newupstream but couldn’t succeed, uupdate failing because it did not find files. Are these steps for already published packages? Should I try to follow them or is a manual copy ok?

In the meantime, I modified the code manually and tried to 'debuild' it. It builds ok but I now run into lintian errors about the _javascript_ code: 'source is missing'! Do I need to beautify it?


On 14 March 2015 at 16:30, Sébastien Jodogne <s.jodogne@chu.ulg.ac.be> wrote:
> Just that I can't find the OrthancCPlugin.h . The apt-file does not
> list it in any package and after installing liborthancclient-dev it
> is not in the /usr/include/orthanc.

It is well present in the current Sid package:

If you are creating a new package, you must use the Sid version of Debian.

> The code also needs the OrthancException.h and Laaw (from the
> generated resource c++ file).

You should either adapt your upstream code to be independent of the Orthanc core, or copy the required files from Orthanc into your upstream code (paying attention to the d/copyright, of course).

> And another question, is there a variable I can use to access package
> include files (instead of ' /usr/include/orthanc')?

You could create a Debian patch to replace your upstream code:

#include <OrthancCPlugin.h>


#include <orthanc/OrthancCPlugin.h>


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