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Re: Reporting of bugs in package VCS repos

Le Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 10:26:20AM +0200, rf@q-leap.de a écrit :
> Thanks Charles, that helped. Now I just have a remaining problem, when I
> want to create the source package. The fastx-toolkit_0.0.14.orig.tar.gz
> created by "pristine-tar checkout fastx-toolkit_0.0.14.orig.tar.gz"
> is not consistent with the upstream source generated by
> "git archive 0.0.14 | | tar -xf -". I obtain the following errors when
> trying to build the source package after a successful build of the
> binary packages:
> dpkg-source: info: using source format `3.0 (quilt)'
> dpkg-source: info: building fastx-toolkit using existing ./fastx-toolkit_0.0.14.orig.tar.gz
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to debuild/INSTALL:
> dpkg-source: error:   new version is symlink to /usr/share/automake-1.11/INSTALL
> dpkg-source: error:   old version is nonexistent
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to debuild/config/ltmain.sh:
> dpkg-source: error:   new version is symlink to /usr/share/libtool/config/ltmain.sh
> dpkg-source: error:   old version is nonexistent

Dear Roland,

the files triggering the error of dpkg-source are not present in the orignal
source archive: they have been auto-generated during a previous build.

As a control, you can build the package from a fresh git clone, using the same
fastx-toolkit_0.0.14.orig.tar.gz file, and you will see that it works.

To remove the autogenerated file, I usually reset the repository with
the following commands:

 - git clean -fdx  # Erases any file that is not known (no commit) in the Git
                   # repository.
 - git checkout .  # (from the top directory).  Restores all files to their
                   # original contents, that is, revert all non-committed changes.

Needless to say, before running these commands, one needs to ensure that if there
are valuable changes in the debian directory, they will be kept.  I usually
“stage” these changes with the “git add” command.

Have a nice week-end,


Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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