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Re: Ginkgo-CADx package - was: Install on ubuntu 10.04.2 or debian 6

On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 10:39 PM, Andreas Tille <andreas@an3as.eu> wrote:
> I have not built the package - but packages with lintian *warnings* can
> be uploaded (and IMHO the rpath issue is only a warning, but I might be
> wrong).  Could anybody post the output of "lintian -i" ?

i cannot update the svn today. So I'll post the output of lintian I
got the last time I tried:

$ ls
-rw-r--r-- 1 mathieu mathieu    1609 May 11 13:04

$ lintian -i ginkgocadx_2.4.1.1-1_amd64.changes
W: ginkgocadx source: newer-standards-version 3.9.2 (current is 3.9.1)
N:    The source package refers to a Standards-Version which is newer than the
N:    highest one lintian is programmed to check. If the source package is
N:    correct, then please upgrade lintian to the newest version. (If there is
N:    no newer lintian version, then please bug lintian-maint@debian.org to
N:    make one.)
N:    Severity: normal, Certainty: certain
W: ginkgocadx: spelling-error-in-description throught through
N:    Lintian found a spelling error in the package description. Lintian has a
N:    list of common misspellings that it looks for. It does not have a
N:    dictionary like a spelling checker does. It is particularly picky about
N:    spelling and capitalization in package descriptions since they're very
N:    visible to end users.
N:    Severity: minor, Certainty: certain
W: ginkgocadx: new-package-should-close-itp-bug
N:    This package appears to be the first packaging of a new upstream
N:    software package (there is only one changelog entry and the Debian
N:    revision is 1), but it does not close any bugs. The initial upload of a
N:    new package should close the corresponding ITP bug for that package.
N:    This warning can be ignored if the package is not intended for Debian or
N:    if it is a split of an existing Debian package.
N:    Refer to Debian Developer's Reference section 5.1 (New packages) for
N:    details.
N:    Severity: normal, Certainty: certain
W: ginkgocadx: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/ginkgocadx
N:    Each binary in /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /bin, /sbin or /usr/games should
N:    have a manual page
N:    Note that though the man program has the capability to check for several
N:    program names in the NAMES section, each of these programs should have
N:    its own manual page (a symbolic link to the appropriate manual page is
N:    sufficient) because other manual page viewers such as xman or tkman
N:    don't support this.
N:    If the name of the man page differs from the binary by case, man may be
N:    able to find it anyway; however, it is still best practice to make the
N:    case of the man page match the case of the binary.
N:    If the man pages are provided by another package on which this package
N:    depends, lintian may not be able to determine that man pages are
N:    available. In this case, after confirming that all binaries do have man
N:    pages after this package and its dependencies are installed, please add
N:    a lintian override.
N:    Refer to Debian Policy Manual section 12.1 (Manual pages) for details.
N:    Severity: normal, Certainty: possible
W: ginkgocadx: postinst-has-useless-call-to-ldconfig
N:    The postinst script calls ldconfig even though no shared libraries are
N:    installed in a directory controlled by the dynamic library loader.
N:    Refer to Debian Policy Manual section 8.1.1 (ldconfig) for details.
N:    Severity: minor, Certainty: certain
W: ginkgocadx: postrm-has-useless-call-to-ldconfig
N:    The postrm script calls ldconfig even though no shared libraries are
N:    installed in a directory controlled by the dynamic library loader.
N:    Refer to Debian Policy Manual section 8.1.1 (ldconfig) for details.
N:    Severity: minor, Certainty: certain
E: ginkgocadx: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath
N:    The binary or shared library sets RPATH. This overrides the normal
N:    library search path, possibly interfering with local policy and causing
N:    problems for multilib, among other issues.
N:    The only time a binary or shared library in a Debian package should set
N:    RPATH is if it is linked to private shared libraries in the same
N:    package. In that case, place those private shared libraries in
N:    /usr/lib/<package>. Libraries used by binaries in other packages should
N:    be placed in /lib or /usr/lib as appropriate, with a proper SONAME, in
N:    which case RPATH is unnecessary.
N:    To fix this problem, look for link lines like:
N:        gcc test.o -o test -Wl,--rpath,/usr/local/lib
N:    or
N:        gcc test.o -o test -R/usr/local/lib
N:    and remove the -Wl,--rpath or -R argument. You can also use the chrpath
N:    utility to remove the RPATH.
N:    Refer to http://wiki.debian.org/RpathIssue for details.
N:    Severity: serious, Certainty: possible
E: ginkgocadx: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath
usr/lib/ginkgocadx/libCADxCore.so. /usr/lib/openmpi/lib
E: ginkgocadx: embedded-library
usr/lib/ginkgocadx/libCADxCore.so. sqlite
N:    The given ELF object appears to have been statically linked to a
N:    library. Doing this is strongly discouraged due to the extra work needed
N:    by the security team to fix all the extra embedded copies or trigger the
N:    package rebuilds, as appropriate.
N:    If the package uses a modified version of the given library it is highly
N:    recommended to coordinate with the library's maintainer to include the
N:    changes on the system version of the library.
N:    Refer to Debian Policy Manual section 4.13 (Convenience copies of code)
N:    for details.
N:    Severity: serious, Certainty: possible

So in summary rpath is an Error.


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