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RE: Re: LinuDent and tk_fp and odontolinux

There has been conversation between me Steven G. (LinuDent) and Alex (TkFP) from the beginning of the tcl/tk version of LinuDent. LinuDent borrows most of it's structure and much code from TkFP.

My thought originally was for LinuDent to be an addon to TkFP for Dentists. Since then the focus of LinuDent has changed.
1. LinuDent is meant to be lightweight - only a few megs to download
2. Linudent should have few dependences - only tclkit is needed for basic install
3. Linudent base install will not need a database setup - (newbies and not-so-newbies sometimes have difficulty setting up sql database engines for the first time ;-))

Alex and I have shared ideas and code. We were in email contact just days ago. At present LinuDent uses a MetaKit database backend. I beleive the TkFP database has grown organically over time. I would be willing to make the LinuDent backend compatible with odontolinux. My plan always was to support any database backend after LinuDent was in production use. I will have to look at the odontolinux database fields, but I don't forsee much problem in that regard. If that happens, LinuDent and odontolinux could be offered as alternate front-ends to a constant database backend?

I am quite open to changing LinuDent so that more people could use it with two provisos:
1. I would continue to use tcl/tk. (There is a object oriented extension call itcl, which is included in tclkit)
2. I would not have a browser based interface to start with.

Thanks for the good input.

Steven Gibson

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