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Re: nagios3 spurious backport?

On 2016-12-18 10:05:48, Jonas Meurer wrote:
> I see that the current situation with a higher nagios3 version in
> backports than in wheezy-security is not very nice. I'll ping the
> backports ftpmasters and ask for removal of nagios3 from wheezy-backports.

Actually, after talking with an ftpmaster on IRC, he has made me realize
that removing the package from -backports will not actually serve our
purpose, because users will not upgrade to the wheezy-security version,
as it has a lower version.

The proper fix would be to upload a new backport from stretch or,
failing that, ship the patches from wheezy-security into the backport.

I don't think we can safely update the wheezy-security version to the
backport as there are what seems to me to be API-breaking changes
between -3 and -5... I haven't reviewed the patch, but those changes
seemed problematic:

  * [8b23685] Remove obsolete webapps configuration (Closes: #714707, #714258)
  * [6abb302] Cleanup password handling
  * [e4a9bf7] Fix password handling
  * [c14f6cf] Deprecate Nagios1 compatible Nagios configuration
  * [abe9bc9] Update web specific packaging for apache 2.4


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