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Members of the LTS team and company affiliation


I am preparing a talk about LTS and wanted to give some statistics about
contributing companies and realized that to be able to do a good job of
this I need to know who of the LTS contributors are affiliated with a
company and who are contributing as individuals on their free time.

I know the status of many LTS contributors and I thus created the wiki
page listing members with their affiliation but I might have missed
some persons or I might have made mistakes. If that's the case, please add
yourself or correct your affiliation: https://wiki.debian.org/LTS/Team

FWIW, with the current affiliations I get this number of uploads (analyzing
* Freexian: 113
* None (maintainers): 37
* Security team: 14
* EDF: 13
* Individual members of the LTS team: 11
* Toshiba: 6
* Univention: 4
* Credativ: 2
* Catalyst: 1
* Oxford University: 1

Note that members of the security team without any explicit company
affiliation have been counted in "Security team" while members of the LTS
team without any explicit affiliation are counted in "Individual members
of the LTS team". The uploaders which are not part of the LTS team are
assumed to be the package maintainers taking care of their own packages.

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

Support Debian LTS: http://www.freexian.com/services/debian-lts.html
Learn to master Debian: http://debian-handbook.info/get/

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