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Re: security.debian.org vs debian-lts respository

What about squeeze-updates (formerly volatile)?
Are they still needed?
Are security fixes applied to packages in squeeze or squeeze-updates?

That question doesn't make sense. squeeze-updates is a strict subset of squeeze (technically squeeze+o-p-u, until a point release). There are never packages in squeeze-updates which are not also in squeeze+o-p-u.

this is what I wanted to know and what I hoped for...
I think I have already asked about that some time ago.

On 08.10.14 13:32, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
It's also explained in the dda mail that's linked to from every mail to debian-stable-announce@lists.

hmmm I did not get this, sorry.

I was asking, when there are different packages in squeeze and
squeeze-updates (volatile), to which one are security patches applied.


and also others from openjdk-6 family:

Those are all the same source package. And, no, they weren't missed.

The openjdk-6 updates were unfortunately not able to be included, as mentioned in https://lists.debian.org/debian-announce/2014/msg00006.html (albeit only by DSA reference).

Specifically, because the openjdk-6 DSA packages for wheezy FTBFS on some architectures, wheezy currently contains 6b27-1.12.5-1. Accepting the squeeze-security packages as part of a point release would have led to oldstable having a higher version of the packages than stable on some architectures, which would be broken.

Is this still applicable?

We only have 2 architectures in LTS and if we want to clear security
updates, it would be good that security updates were still available...

... and even the vice versa, seems (left from before last point release?)

 Installed: (none)
 Candidate: 8.4.22-0+deb6u1
 Version table:
    8.4.22-0+deb6u1 0
500 http://ftp.sk.debian.org/debian/ squeeze-lts/main amd64 Packages
    8.4.21-0squeeze1 0
500 http://ftp.sk.debian.org/debian/ squeeze/main amd64 Packages
    8.4.20-0squeeze1 0
500 http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates/main amd64 Packages

I'm unsure what you believe the issue is here - 8.4.20-0squeeze1 was a security update, 8.4.21-0squeeze1 was not.

the point was just that it's apparently useless to have older version in
security updates than there's in main archive....

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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