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Re: --packages-list debian-science problems

On 03/16/2011 02:32 PM, carolus wrote:
> I'm just learning my way around debian, and I got the impression from
> http://wiki.debian.org/tasksel that "desktop" would default to gnome.

It does, normally, but since live-build supports multiple possible
desktops, it preseeds the appropriate variables based on which desktop
task the user specified and that modifies the task selection
accordingly, or else we would end up selecting gnome *and* lxde if we
just specified "lxde-desktop desktop", as we surprisingly found before
we made this patch.

> I have not found any list of defined tasks that would include
> lxde-desktop. I'm working from a browser; perhaps there is a complete
> list of defined tasks available somehow from apt-get or aptitude but I
> haven't found it.

Desktop selection is a special case. Here's my understanding of why:

Because install media can typically only fit all the base packages for
one desktop on a single media, it is typically not helpful to offer
choices of different flavours of desktop from the menu. Instead, it
needs to be preseeded, and the standard install CDs/DVDs have special
1st images per desktop flavour that contain the desktop-specific
packages. Of course, with a netinst, it is different, because you don't
need all the desktop-specific packages on the media, so in that case,
you can specify the preseeded option at boot e.g. append "desktop=lxde"
at the boot prompt. This is described in the Debian Installer Guide:



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