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Re-using live-helper cache [was: Presetting keyboard layout]

tomas at tuxteam.de wrote:
> I just don't know very much about lh yet to comment, but a more
> "central" package cache/repository might make sense (especially when
> building several variants of live images). It should be simple enough to
> survive version changes of the lh machinery (and accomodate different
> repositories). What do you think?

if you have a clever (cheap) idea how to do it, i'm all ears.

the problem is, that the package cache must be available in the chroot.
so, symlinking a directory outside of chroot wouldn't work.
bind-mounting also sucks, because it raises the requirements to having a
2.6 kernel running[0].

oh.. but we could hardlink them.. the hardlink and integrity problem we
have with the whole chroot doesn't hold for .deb files, as they are
versioned (so no accidental overwriting and changing contents outside of
chroot from within.. unless the file was only partially fetched, but
then that is actually the desired behaviour anyway).

so, indeed.. one could hardlink these these.. will have a look at it at
thursday (but feel free to send a patch if you've time to kill before

[0] once we get ro-bind mounts, i'll reconsider bind-mounts.

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann at panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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