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Adding Packages to Live-Helper d-i

David Dyball wrote:
> How do I configure the packages that I have selected in
> chroot_local-packageslist ? and how do I get those same packages to
> install from the LiveCD when I boot with "install" (d-i)?

live-helper creates images. there can be different 'types' of systems

  * live system

  * debian-installer 'session' in normal mode: means, when d-i is
    launched, it will install a system from network or packages from the
    pool on the medium (this is how d-i 'usually' works).

    if you want to influence the packages available in the pool, you can
    use config/chroot/binary_local-packageslists. if you want to have
    the same packages available for d-i installation as you have
    installed in the live-system, just symlink
    chroot_local-packageslists/* to binary_local-packageslists/.

  * debian-installer 'session' in live mode: means, when d-i is
    launched, it will install a system by unpacking the squashfs image
    from the medium to the harddisk.

    this is an aequivalent to the ubuntu ubiquity installer, but it
    still has a few issues and glitches. not considered to be fully
    working yet.

I hope that answers some of your questions, if not, please follow up.


Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann at panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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