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Final goal of debian-live project, a tool: proposal and man page

Alle 18:40, mercoled? 1 marzo 2006, Daniel Baumann ha scritto:

> > Question: do we already have a tool that given a package name it
> > downloads all (including base deboostrap system) package it needs?

> Maybe the cddt guys have something, if not, one may could do some
> apt-get trickery with temporarily redefining apts cache and indices to
> other locations while fetching the package.

I was asking about defining how to handle the packages pool part of building 
the rootfs, like building of a partial mirror and integrating external 
directories, including syslinux (or grub) splash images and so on.

> > Also I need comments on 1-5 sub-tools mentioned in my previous post.
> I didn't understand what you are proposing them for, can you explain a
> bit more?

I would like to discuss which technologies to use for the different 

Already discussed and decided are the use of:

- Squashfs as the rootfs compressor 
- Unionfs for write capabilities on a read only media
- Debian as the OS :-)

Not decided yet:

- Bootloader: Syslinux or Grub ?
- Initramfs generation - (my duty, but feel free to suggest)
- Rootfs generation - cdeboostrap, cddt, other ways?
- Collection of packages creation (local mirror, remote one, apt-proxy, 
reprepro just to mention some ideas)
- non packages files to be included (splash images, rootskel, out-of-rootfs 
directories... )

Daniel: Could you also create a bzr (but svn would be fine too) repository for 
our code (not so urgent, but I think it will be) ?


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