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Some questions

Marco Amadori wrote:
>>2/ Do you plan to write a completely new tool or to extend some
>>existing one already packaged in Debian?
> We plan to resolv a problem, we are discussing how to do it, maybe a 
> collection of new tools will be necessary.

As Marco already said, we atm consider "casper" as the way to go.

Since casper is developed at Cannonical, one could theoretically use
their build-scripts and modify them where needed - just as Ubuntu does
it with the work done at Debian, but this time the other way round.

Unfortunately, this is not possible atm because the respective scripts
are only used internally by Cannonical so far and not shared with
others. Mithrandir (caspers upstream) told me, that he would like to
publish them, but he needs permission from the office to do so, and it
is not of high importance to him to do this in the near future.

This means, we need produce our own scripts and tools, but we are trying
to be based on as much as possible of the experiences made within the
Debian Custom Distribution sub-project and others.

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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