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Re: Compliance with DFSG

On Sun, 9 Mar 2014 22:52:37 +0800 Paul Wise wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 7:09 PM, Francesco Poli wrote:
> > I only see the _disadvantage_ of having less rights granted on the parts
> > of the modified work that come from the original work...
> That sounds like the age-old permissive vs copyleft debate, definitely
> not something I'm interested in discussing here.

Sorry, I should have been clearer.
I am _not_ against copyleft, _nor_ against permissive non-copyleft.
I am not trying to (re-)start that old debate.

What I was trying to say is: if the authors of the original work chose
to offer a permissive license, as well as a copyleft one, I feel that
re-distributing parts of the original work only under the copyleft
license is a disadvantage for the final recipients.

Hence, if the original work is dual-licensed under BSD/LGPL, I would
not personally drop the BSD option for the parts that I incorporate
into my own copyleft-licensed derivative work.
As a consequence, I think that, once the original authors chose the
BSD, they could just as well avoid adding complexity with a BSD/LGPL
dual-licensing scheme: the BSD alone is already granting almost all the
permissions one could possibly desire...

OK, maybe now I am being even more cryptic than before... but hopefully

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