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Re: data and software licence incompatabilities?

Le Mon, Sep 02, 2013 at 10:06:01AM -0500, Gunnar Wolf a écrit :
> Excess repetition makes many of us regulars pay less attention to the
> topics. I'll mention this specific example, trying not to make it into
> an ad-hominem: Francesco has a *great* license comprehension and
> comparison skill, much greater than mine, and I appreciate reading his
> messages when I am starting, or have time, or am in a good mood. But I
> know there is a very high probability his mails will include a "Well,
> but remember I don't think any CC licenses are as good as GPLv2!"
> paragraph.
> So, Francesco: I will also tune in with Steve's request. I think your
> point would be better driven if not constantly repeated. And you would
> find this crowd much more likely to accept your ideas.

Hello everybody,

I think that this discussion is going completely out of proportions.  Francesco
always makes sure that his replies contain an informative answer.  In the last
part of his emails, he adds his point of view in a way that it is very clear
that it is not Debian's.  People who already read it can easily skip it, just
like email signatures.

If Debian bans Francesco from this list, I will fee very ashamed of us.

Also, with such a low threshold for banning people who are polite, precise, who
do not engage into flamewars, and never show aggressivity, we will set the
stage for massive purge and witch-hunting, because of many people are within
the treshold.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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