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Re: GPL2 vs. GPL3 issue in VDR plug-in packages

Tobi <listaccount@e-tobi.net> writes:

> What about the GPL3 vs. GPL2 issue? If the main program is GPL3 and
> the plug-ins are "GPL2 or any later", does this match? I think it
> doesn't.

Sure it does; that's the intent of the "or any later version"
clause. As you describe it, all the works have been licensed to you
explicitly such that you can redistribute under GPLv3, so that's the
license to use.

> The plug-in links with the VDR main program and therefore must be at
> least GPL3, right?

Yes. GPLv2 is not appropriate, because the work licensed under the
GPLv3 doesn't allow it.

The work licensed "under the terms of GPLv3 or any later version" can
be derived from and redistributed under the GPLv3, since that fits
"GPLv3 or any later version".

The work licensed "under the terms of GPLv2 or any later version" can
be derived from and redistributed under the GPLv3, since that fits
"GPLv2 or any later version".

If you have a work licensed under "GPLv2" without the later-version
clause, that grants no permission to redistribute under GPLv3. This is
why it's encouraged to use the "or any later version" wording.

 \       "Sunday School: A prison in which children do penance for the |
  `\           evil conscience of their parents."  -- Henry L. Mencken |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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