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Re: Missing documentation for autoconf

What would be good would be a license field for DEB packages, as well
as being able to include packages from other repositories based on the
content of a field.

          Name: autoconf-doc
          License: gfdl

          and /etc/apt/preferences:

          License: gfdl
          Pin: release c=non-free
          Pin-Priority: 500

I suppose debtags could do the former quite soon.


On 2/22/06, Josh Triplett <josh@freedesktop.org> wrote:
> Simon Huerlimann wrote:
> > Hi Frank
> > On Monday, 20. February 2006 18:08, Frank Küster wrote:
> >>Frank Küster <frank@debian.org> wrote:
> >>How do you explain that you would like to
> >>continue to use GFDL'ed (or OPL'ed, for that matter) documentation, but
> >>refuse to add non-free to you sources list?
> >
> > Because I don't like packages that are considered non-free by Debian. I
> > generaly support it's decissions on freeness and it's social contract. But I
> > don't regard GFDL and OPL as non-free. (No need to react to this statement,
> > as it's just a personal interpretation. I fully recognize the decission taken
> > by the Debian developers.)
> As a technical solution to your problem, you could use
> /etc/apt/preferences to ensure that you don't get any non-free packages
> except those you specifically consider "free enough", such as
> autoconf-doc.  The following (untested) snippet should work:
> Package: *
> Pin: release c=non-free
> Pin-Priority: -1
> Package: autoconf-doc
> Pin: release c=non-free
> Pin-Priority: 500
> - Josh Triplett

Andrew Donnellan
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