Re: FYI: Savannah forces new projects to use GFDL for documentation
Hey Gymnasist, be advised that if Wallace
won't succeed in US, I'll invite him to Germany.
Rules on distribution
Vertical relationships between market participants operating on
different market levels enjoy a more liberal set of rules under
German law since they are generally considered to promote inter-
brand competition. Only narrowly circumscribed conduct is
directly prohibited by Sections 14, 15, 17, 18 and 21 to 23 ARC.
Per se prohibitions first and foremost focuses on resale price
maintenance (including commercial agreements producing the same
effect): prices and other terms of business in agreements with
third parties must be freely determinable (Section 14 ARC).
And I suppose you do known that SCO was silenced in Germany on
the grounds of German competition laws. Keep in mind that FSF
is also a blatant violator (dubious claims of "GPL
Incompatibility") just like SCO Germany. That's apart from FSF's
price-fixing GPL antitrust conspiracy.
On 2/11/06, Sebastian Wieseler <> wrote:
> Hello Francesco Poli, hello list,
> I should clarify things here...
> You wrote:
> > On Fri, 10 Feb 2006 13:25:03 +1100 Matthew Palmer wrote:
> >
> >>My opinion of FSF people is descending rapidly here.
> >
> > Dropping down, down, down... :-(
> Don't think of all people in the FSF. Thanks.
> >>Revising history is never a good sign.
> >
> > Agreed fully.
> It's a kind of "free speech"; I can delete my blog entries where ever I
> think it is usefull and here it was usefull.
> I posted an entry about - first an unofficial statement of us (while we
> was in discussion mode) and second about a false reason (even like it
> was understandable for me).
> So you should respect me and don't post the caches of my sites anywhere.
> Thanks a lot! (even if it is allowed under the terms of the GNU FDL,
> it's a kind of politness)
> Another point is that we posted yesterday an official statement about
> this issue on Savannah -
> Regards,
> Sebastian Wieseler, Savannah hacker,
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