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Re: Linux Documentation Project License (LDPL) v2.0

Scripsit "Joe Smith" <unknown_kev_cat@hotmail.com>
> "Henning Makholm" <henning@makholm.net> wrote in message

>>It's a reasonable interpretation. The problem is that there are
>>_other_ reasonable interpretations as well; in particular one easily
>>imagines a court that would find that the "limited-scope identifier"
>>defense is a nonsense word-game and finds for the plaintiff (the
>>author who had sued a pseudonymous modificator for infringement).

> Is it just me or is it hard to sue a pseudonymous modifier, becaue
> their real identiy is not known?

Yes, it is hard. But if you later do find out who they are, you can
(given a license that requires identification) sue them for not having
told up front who they were.

Henning Makholm                   "The great secret, known to internists and
                         learned early in marriage by internists' wives, but
               still hidden from the general public, is that most things get
         better by themselves. Most things, in fact, are better by morning."

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