--- Begin Message ---
- To: Free Ekanayaka <free@agnula.org>
- Subject: Re: BruteFIR debian package
- From: Anders Torger <torger@ludd.luth.se>
- Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2004 23:06:45 +0200
- Message-id: <200404092306.45748.torger@ludd.luth.se>
- References: <200404082032.09165.torger@ludd.luth.se> <87brm12puj.fsf@agnula.org>
On Friday 09 April 2004 16.22, you wrote:
> >>>>> On Thu, 8 Apr 2004 20:32:09 +0200, Anders Torger
> >>>>> <torger@ludd.luth.se> said:
> Anders> I noted that you have packaged BruteFIR for Debian. I'm
> Anders> about to release version 1.0, and I am planning to change
> Anders> the license to OSL 2.0, since I think it is better
> Anders> written than the GPL, easier to understand by laymen, better
> Anders> suited to international law. I cannot see that it would
> Anders> cause any trouble with the Debian Policy, but if you think
> Anders> this license change will lead to problems, let me
> Anders> know. I'm not religious about it, I just like OSL better
> Anders> than the GPL, although they achieve the same things.
> Andres,
> first of all thanks for your work on BruteFIR ;-)
> I must say that I'm not an expert of licensing issues, so I'm not
> in the position to state whether OSL 2.0 is compliant with the
> Debian Free-software Guide Lines. I've found this thread on
> debian-legal:
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2004/debian-legal-200401/msg00005.html
> so it seems that OSL 2.0 is still matter of debate inside Debian.
> Shall I turn your question to the debian-devel mailing list?
Yes that would be interesting. Actually, I thought the patent clause
could be a problem, but it is also one of the things that I really like
about the license. Software patents are a real pain... I would like to
see a license that would terminate all licenses if any action is taken
against any software under the same license. I don't know if it is
possible to design such a license though under international law, but
if possible such a license would put a stronger defense against
patent-based harassment (which I have been a target of personally for
BruteFIR), and you would not need to give away copyright to FSF or
another organisation for that.
Meanwhile, OSL 2.0 is along what I want to see, and I hope Debian
accepts it. If they do not, I think I'll throw myself into the
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