Re: Is OSL 2.0 compliant with DFSG?
On 2004-04-10 10:01:03 +0100 Free Ekanayaka <> wrote:
Please could you answer to his question?
I am not sure what question you mean, because I couldn't see it in the
forwarded email.
For the question in the subject line: I still think that OSL 2.0 is
not DFSG-free because it terminates copyright permission for any
software patent action, including ones unrelated to the covered
software. The Licensor is also free to initiate patent actions against
the Licensee and this seems to hinder the Licensee's defence. I see
this as a type of bad termination clause, which wouldn't be tolerated
for copyrights alone.
To me, the easiest course would be to issue seperate copyright and
patent licences which do not interact. We could then considers them
individually without playing "hunt the interaction" and people in
swpat-free areas (including Sweden for now?) may be able to ignore the
swpat one.
MJR/slef My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.
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