Re: Fwd: [Politech] California DeCSS case eventually, finally, over [ip]
On Fri, Feb 06, 2004 at 07:41:44AM +0000, Andrew Suffield wrote:
> Note that we're not really interested in decss, and libdvdcss is the
> important one, so however this plays out it needs to result in a
> decision that means libdvdcss is okay too (getting off on a
> technicality is no good).
> I'm not sure that the trade secret issue was ever an issue for
> libdvdcss.
True. But the fundamental issue of DMCA violation for decss shouldn't
be drastically different for libdvdcss. Both of them provide access to
the contents of a CSS'ed DVD. If the court says doing so is a
circumvention device for decss then libdvdcss is in the same boat.
As far as the trade secret issue. The first release of libdvdcss has
code contributed by Jon Johansen. If the DVD-CCA was correct and he
obtained the CSS information improperly then libdvdcss would be tainted
as well. Fortunately, we no longer have to worry about that. They lost
in Norway and California. I think that issue is dead.
Ben Reser <>
"Conscience is the inner voice which warns us somebody may be looking."
- H.L. Mencken
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