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Re: Debian and copyrights


Am Mon, 2003-06-30 um 12.30 schrieb Baptiste SIMON:
> > If you are author of a part of the code, you can oppose forever to its
> > publication as proprietary.
> right... that's the last solution... but we would prefer having only one
> copyright, to have a harmonized source code. I know that it is possible
> giving the (c) to the FSF... 

I remember reading somewhere that you can give the copyright to just
about anyone, and Dhingis Kahn (The mogolian leader, don't know how he
is spelled in English). And if you really want to prevent any licence
change, then just assign it so someone that is no longer alife (this way
you can state your world view, if you choose Ghandi, Marx, Charlemagne,
Einstein, Neumann or others). They surely won't change your licence...
(well, one would have to check for possible Heirs)

And what if you assign copyright to your cat?

No guarantee that that would work legally, though.

Joachim Breitner
Joachim Breitner 
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