Re: PornView suspected to have stolen lots of code from GImageView
Scripsit "Oliver M. Bolzer" <>
> Both softwares are GPL, the fact that Pornview uses a lot of
> GImageView's code verbatim or with modifications per se is not a
> problem, but Pornview has stripped the original copyright notices
> and also doing things like s/GImageView//g from variable and
> function names.
Stripping copyright notices is a severe problem, I agree. But the
changing of identifiers, be it systematic or manual, is in my opinion
within the right of modification that GPL grants (and is indeed meant
to protect).
> We should pull pornview from the archives until a version is released
> that adresses this issue,
Agreed (if your information is true).
Henning Makholm "Detta, sade de, vore rena sanningen;
ty de kunde tala sanning lika väl som någon
annan, när de bara visste vad det tjänade til."
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